Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of the skin.
IPL works by emitting light energy which is absorbed into particular target cells with colour (chromophores) in the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes damage to the specific target area. Most IPL systems use filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables targeting of specific cells with colour making it our treatment of choice when looking at sun/age spots, vascular areas acne.
The procedure of rejuvenating aged skin is referred to as photorejuvenation and requires a series of IPL treatments. The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterwards.