Non-Surgical vs Surgical Facelift
While both surgical and non-surgical facelifts aim for a rejuvenated appearance, they achieve it through very different approaches. Take a look at the key advantages of non-surgical options.
Reduced Downtime and Recovery
Non-surgical procedures are minimally invasive, meaning you can return to your daily routine much faster, often within a day or two. Surgical facelifts require a significant recovery period, typically weeks, with limitations on strenuous activity and social engagements.
Less Pain and Discomfort
Non-surgical procedures involve minimal discomfort, often managed with topical numbing cream, paracetamol, ice and gas and air. Surgical facelifts necessitate anesthesia and come with post-surgical pain that requires medication.
Lower Cost
Non-surgical procedures are generally less expensive than surgical facelifts due to the absence of an operating room, anesthesia, and extensive recovery needs.
Subtle and Gradual Changes
Non-surgical procedures offer a more natural-looking improvement, allowing for gradual changes and adjustments. Surgical facelifts can result in a more dramatic alteration that might not always blend seamlessly with your existing features.
Fewer Risks and Complications
Non-surgical procedures carry a lower risk of complications compared to surgery, which involves inherent risks associated with anesthesia and incisions.
Ideal for Mild to Moderate Concerns
Non-surgical procedures effectively address early signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, and mild skin laxity. Surgical facelifts are better suited for more advanced concerns like significant sagging skin and deeper wrinkles.
Repeatability and Reversibility
Non-surgical results are temporary, but treatments can be repeated to maintain your desired look. Surgical facelift results are more permanent, but the procedure is not easily reversible.
Better Option for Busy Lifestyles
The shorter downtime associated with non-surgical procedures makes them ideal for individuals with busy schedules who cannot afford extended recovery periods.
Remember, a consultation with us is crucial to determine the best approach for your specific needs and goals. We can help you decide if a non-surgical facelift package or a surgical facelift is the right option for you.